
Showing posts with the label Advertising

The Advertising Game

How would you feel if you discovered that you were being lied to constantly? That the products being advertised via various media may not be exactly what they are portrayed to be? And that often you are a victim of outright chicanery? Walter Vieira, Chairman of the Consumer Education and Research Centre , Ahmedabad, spoke on consumer awareness, the outrageous claims made by the manufacturers of products and what people can do to take the deceivers to task. Mr Vieira delivered his talk at a lecture session titled ‘When will consumers wake up and protect themselves?’ at the International Centre Goa. The consumer awareness talk was co-organised by GoaCAN (Consumer Action Network) and the International Centre Goa . ‘The cheating that is going on in the country…with products, with services, with what have you, has reached phenomenal proportions,’ says Mr Vieira. The simplicity of the advertisements of the yesteryears cannot be denied. The Amul girl, for instance, was an integral part of t