
Showing posts with the label Chief Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund

Art Exhibition in Goa to Raise Funds for Kerala

The devastation caused by the recent flooding in Kerala has left many bereft of hearth and home and even life. The land of lush greenery, welcoming people and numerous historically significant and scenic sites has suffered the onslaught of the fury of nature with an increase of 41.44% rainfall this year. Recorded to be the worst flooding in a century, the crippling inundation has also been reported to be the cumulative result of unchecked mining, quarrying, development and construction, besides other alleged immediate factors. Many people now find themselves in relief camps faced with the long-drawn process of rebuilding their lives. The threat of disease is widespread and rehabilitation, which is a slow and exhausting process, will require a considerable amount of aid in the form of monetary funds, supplies related to daily life, food items, household fixtures and furniture, volunteers and so on to restore God’s own country to its former glory. NGOs, locals, the armed forces, national