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Relating to Your Teen (Mental Health)

By Maya Lin Noronha 'Don’t tell me you’re going to college dressed like this.’ ‘Yes! Why?’ 'There is no way you are stepping out of this house wearing such a cleavage revealing top!’ 'What’s wrong with it?! All my friends dress like this. Stop being so old fashioned!’ 'I don’t care about how everybody else dresses up. You are my child and you will dress modestly. Go and change right now!!’ 'Just because you dress like a relic from the Dark Ages, don’t expect me to follow suit!’ A conversation like this is enough to suggest the presence of a teenager in the home. You can blame it on the turmoil of hormones, peer pressure or anything else but the adolescent years spell a period of emotional tumult and chaos for both parents as well as teenagers. Theirs is a different world and unravelling the mystery of adolescent angst poses a mighty challenge to most parents. Stepping in tune with your resident teen can be the equivalent of scaling Mount Everest. In the 21st Century